I see it,
Flashes of fate
Blind my eyes
It does no use to run
Final destination has begun
What your about to do
is already etched in stone
At the top of mount Cion
In the form of a poem
Serenade society,
Use your weapon
That is verse,
Engage emotion,
Open hearts will immerse
Burst out of your seams
Look in search for the truth
Join the forces of a team
Shed the mindset of a youth
Join the crew
The CAWP corps. of the West
Still many matters
To get off our chest
Question power
As power
Through the humble habits of a pauper,
It was that mixture that made her,
That mixture cannot stop her
Like Minerva
Modest Goddess to the republic
For which she stands,
Listen to the callings
And whispers of her demands.